Polly St. George

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Marjorie Derangement Syndrome

The left has found a new target to harass & smear - Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene. George Conway claims that she is responsible for the 'moral decay' of the GOP.
Oh yeah, George? Let's look in your closet.


Polly St. George | 5/2/2021

Canada is Black Bagging Citizens

In the name of Public Safety, Canadian authorities are more or less kidnapping people at airports, putting them in Hotel-Jail, and refusing to discuss the matter with their family members.
VIDEO recommendation by YT channel 'Nadine' included for some excellent vicarious righteous indignation.

Polly St. George | 2/2/2021

2 Types of Blindness

For the past 5 years I've dedicated myself to helping people see the truth in the hopes that if enough people opened their eyes we could rise up together to confront the powers of the predator class. They are stubbornly blind and now, increasingly, I find my own vision failing.

Polly St. George | 1/2/2021

Cartoon Villains Are Using Real Life Militants To Further the Technocratic Agenda

It was just announced that Bill Gates is the largest owner of farmland in the United States. His control of the food supply is a crucial play in the attempted Technocrat Takeover of the world. Gates et. al. relied on the distractions & intimidation caused by socialist, Marxist radicals to operate under the radar for years - but now that he's out in the open what will become of these radicals?
Polly St. George | 15/1/2021
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